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Luc(e) Raesmith

Luc(e) Raesmith – EcoTrans Jacket Legend(s) for SEAS

EcoTransperson Jacket Back

Item 1: Two-tone polyester lining remnant from the faux-silk bomber jacket (cut up for textile weaving art piece representing Brighton and Lewes South Downs Biosphere) = second-hand purchase on £1 rail at Emmaus charity store, Portslade.

Fabric remnant, safety-pinned to jacket, bears the text - in green, red and blue permanent markers ink: “Rebel 4 Life … and just happens to be a transperson” around the borrowed egg-timer icon (in black ink) of the Extinction Rebellion climate crisis/justice movement.

Three ‘strands’ of purchased or found ‘urban flotsam’ waste – bearing text written in black permanent marker ink - tied onto black waxed thread - are attached to the lining/jacket by safety pins. (I often use such reusable pins, varying sizes, in other #post_simplist creative recycling hanging/mobile assemblage art pieces.)

Item 2: Contents were sown for own herb bed = Thompson and Morgan Hyssop (paper) seed packet states: “Birds and bees need these”.

Stapled combination of all-plastic items: black/clear plastic hook-hanging packaging remnant (forgotten item); MUJI Japanese white chocolate-coated strawberries packet (contents shared with friend in a Vue cinema, Islington); random bubble wrap rectangle with text “#post_simplist”; plastic foam packaging for mobile phone case (charity shop-bought for art mobile) states: “…not 5G” (in reference to birds’ and bees’ needs as there are concerns that 5G frequencies will adversely affect birds’ and insects’ innate navigation sense via Earth’s magnetic field.)

Item 3: Clear plastic gel pens (used up with own 2D art) packaging containing all-plastic bag for life’ blue/red carrying handle (from my sibling); two Christmas cracker fluorescent paper clips (Oxfam purchase by relatives); silver and white medication pop-out packets (doses for own long term / hidden conditions’ pain and angst symptoms); Brighton beach-combed green nylon boating ‘rope’ remnant (for garden and/or art assemblage use).

Foil packaging trio: silver medication pop-out packets (own pain relief by prescription); pullout seal from bouillon tub (for own soups cooking); Kenco silver Americano tub pullout seal (for own instant decaf coffee consumption, plus packaging recyclable at Brighton’s Green Centre stall).

Item 4: Card and plastic packaging for now-defunct 8GB micro SD/HD mobile phone memory card states: “Built in obsolescence” (used in own Nokia phone circa 2010-2012).

Contents were sown for own hanging baskets/flower beds (and personal salads consumption): Thompson and Morgan Nasturtiums (paper) seed packet states “not just for humans” (also in reference to birds’ and bees’ – plus butterflies’ – needs, as above).

EcoTransperson Jacket Front

Item 5: ‘Mushroom’-colour Zara jacket: second hand / pre-worn purchase from Sussex Beacon charity shop, Kemptown = £3 on bargain rail, circa 2012; always worn bearing some badge(s) on the lapels.

Item 6: Five badges are worn on this Jacket at Trans Pride Brighton and Hove 2018 (and subsequently on other clothing and/or shoulder or hip-hung bags):

Black and white ‘My Pronouns Are’ badges (as circulated by B and H Council) read in turquoise Sharpies ink “Per / Per / Pers” and in red Sharpies ink “Person(al)” (being representative of artist’s own ‘Per Revolution’ thinking).

Three smaller badges: self-coloured and self-assembled on a badge machine at the Clare Project Transgender Support drop-in session, hired specifically to make badges for sale at Trans Pride 2018, and available on the Project’s own and my facilitated Chill Out Zone / Creativity Tables in Brunswick Square.

The badges read respectively “T Pride’18” (where the ‘18 has been rewritten as ’19 to wear at SEAS ‘Riot’ exhibition and on climate emergency event/marches), “trans” and “call me per” (as a reference to the above-mentioned ‘revolutionary’ thinking re non-binary terminology/pronouns usage).

Item 7: Lanyard – upcycled half-marathon medallion ribbon – with plastic ‘urban flotsam’ stapled attachments as follows:

  • Cert U Sensory Software CD-Rom (from my disabled niece’s collection) with text in red and green Sharpies permanent ink states “Gender Queer Declares Emergency”;

  • Padlock (charity shop find, not yet used), on a card under shrink-wrap seal, mounted on gastro-protective medication pill packet (self dosage) states in silver Pentel paint marker “Padlock’d 2 Plastic”;

  • Gold-colour Sentinel insurance luggage tag /label (never used);

  • Red vinyl WWI Remembrance poppy on a metal keyring (worn on shoulder bag strap during Novembers);

  • Green folding clothes hanger (used post-laundry for damp clothes);

  • Red sticky tape dispenser (possibly 2-4-1 bargain from WH Smith / PO in Kemptown village);

  • Black food (probabley garlic) netting containing clear plastic (own use) Superdrug non-salicylate/perfumed lip salve packaging containing red vinyl ‘bag for life’ strap (possibly also from sibling for creative recycling);

  • Grey negative slide holder brooch with another artist’s cine camera drawing (purchased Exeter Museum, circa 2000);

  • Turquoise mini Sharpie with a metal hanging triangle (used up by this artist);

  • Purple-capped Vape Juice 10ml bottle (3mg strength and used up by vaping self…) = hidden from view.

Artist portraits, wearing EcoTransperson Jacket at home, captured by Carl Boardman

(iPhone camera, Jan 2021)

Artist Biography

Luc(e) is a dedicated street-comber, bin-reclaimer and charity shopper of urban flotsam: for creative recycling artworks in 2D and 3D forms that I define as ‘eco-kitsch’. (I also use the definitions #post_simplist, as belonging to Post-Simplism, plus #neuroDV_art, as in neuro-diverse creations.)

You can view more of Luc(e)'s work via their Instagram (@s.walkr.luc) and Twitter (@swalkluc)



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