About SEAS
SEAS (The Socially Engaged Art Salon, CIC) is an award-winning, artist-led, not-for-profit organization promoting socially engaged art practices and work with underrepresented sectors, including global majority communities, LGBTQ+ migrants and refugees. Our activities include large group exhibitions, collaborative art projects, and creative workshops.
Our programs take place in various public institutes across Sussex, including the Black and Minorities Ethnics Partnerships [BMECP] Centre, The LGBTQ+ Ledward Centre (TLC), the Jubilee Library Brighton, and the Collonade House Gallery in Worthing. We collaborate with artists' groups, community groups, charities, and universities in Brighton and Sussex. Since 2016, we have worked with dozens of organisations and more than 400 artists and curated more than 50 exhibitions and cultural events.
Founded by Dr Gil Mualem-Doron, SEAS is led by artists who have lived experiences of intersectionality [BPOC, migrants and LGBTQ+]. With the support of the Arts Council England, Brighton&Hove, and Worthing Cities SEAS became a champion of equality, diversity and inclusion and a beacon of socially engaged art in Southeast England.
To promote accessibility and showcase artists, we feature our exhibitions and projects on our website, with opportunities also advertised on social media and our newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.
Interested in partnering with us? DM us on Instagram or email us at hi@seasbrighton.org.
our values
Diversity is crucial to the arts and culture because they release the true potential of our community’s artistic and cultural talent. It is key for innovation.
We believe inequality of opportunity as well as in affirmative action as a way to create our society and the arts as a just place.
We believe that solidarity among diverse groups and artists is the only way for community cohesion and for building bridges.
valuing lived experiences
Lived experiences and everyday life are some of the most important places from which honest and engaging art can flourish.
Collaborative practice is one of the pillars of socially engaged art. We believe that collaboration is important both in the art we promote and in the way SEAS works as an organization.
the power of imagination
The power of imagination: We admit that we are dreamers and believe that imagination can take us to places that might seem impossible in the here and now.
Our mission
SEAS champions socially engaged art in the quest to enact social change. We promote work from disadvantaged and under-represented artists in order to widen access to the arts and diversify the sector.
Our vision
Art that can bring social justice, well being, and solidarity.
SEAS has become recently a Community Interest Company [CIC]. We are in the process of recruiting non-executive directors to help oversee SEAS activities and contribute diverse perspectives on our work. If you are interested in getting involved with SEAS work and have experience in the charity and/or cultural sector organisations, fundraising or PR we will love to hear from you.
Please send a short introduction email and your CV to hi@seasbrighton.org Thanks!
Artist fees
We are a Real Living Wage employer and we regularly benchmark our salaries with other not-for-profit arts organisations. All of our part-time staff and freelancers are paid the London Minimum Wage or higher.
We value our artists and have drafted a system of minimum fees based on our current financial capabilities as a not-for-profit charity and the recommendations by the Artist Union and the Art Council England. All freelance (non artistic) work is paid at least the London Living Wage or above.
The fees stated are the minimum that we pay. We separately cover other costs, such as travel, production, transport and installation. We are always working to improve the fees that we can offer, and review our fees policy every year.
Some examples of the fees we offer include:
New commission (new work) – £250-£500
Existing work for a group exhibition – £50
Online presentation (20min approx) online – £50
Speakers fees/performance – £100 up to one hour on-site + expenses.
volunteering and placements
Like many arts organisations, we sometimes work with volunteers. SEAS volunteers help to invigilate exhibitions and events, support learning projects and provide excellent experiences for our audiences.
We recognise that volunteering is not an option for everyone. It is our ambition to offer the Real Living Wage for all individuals working with the organisation from 2022. This ambition is part of our fundraising strategy.
