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Annis Harrison- Mamma’s Black Heroes- Solo Exhibition

SEAS will be facilitating an artist talk with Annis Harrison on 30th October from 4pm. Tickets are free but limited and can be booked here.

Mamma’s Black Heroes

The series of handmade ceramic plates are called ‘Mammas Black Heroes‘. They are part of an ongoing project that was started because the artist wanted her children to know the names and the work of some of the black people who had a great influence on her life. Harrison said, as her children were growing up, “I became aware that their knowledge of black writers, artists and political activists just wasn’t very informed, and they weren’t being taught about them at school. So I decided to start making these plates to start a conversation about influential and inspiring [but unsung] black people who have contributed massively to our society.”

Slide through the gallery below to see all five.

About the Artist

Annis Harrison is a multi-disciplinary artist who lives and works in London. Of Swedish and Jamaican heritage, she adopted the UK as a home after attending St Martins Art College. Both in Sweden and in the UK, Annis has always occupied her own space, having a foot in more than one culture, more than one ethnicity, more than one language. Neither outside nor inside. Her art has always reflected this fascinating cultural duality.

The exhibition is on from 8th October- 9th November 2021 at Black and Minority Ethnic Community Partnership Centre (BMECP).

You can discover more of her work on social media (@annisharrison) or on her website:

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