SEAS Socially Engaged Art Salon, Brighton is looking for volunteers to help with the setting up of the 2019-2020 exhibition programme.
SEAS offers in return Free studio space, opportunity to show your work or curate an exhibition, and expenses for four gallery assistants at SEAS – Socially Engaged Art Salon, Brighton.
Volunteers are expected to be based in Brighton and available 4 days a month, mostly during weekends.
The volunteering includes help in installing exhibitions, invigilating, help with PR, social media management, photography and video documentation of SEAS’s events.
In return you will get :
Free space / hot desk at SEAS Studio.
You will be given free mentoring and an opportunity to curate a show or event and/or show your work.
Expenses are paid
BME and LGBTQI persons and others from under-represented groups in the art industry are encouraged to apply.
Please download the application and equal opportunity forms from SEAS’s website:
Fill in the application form, save as PDF as “your name_seas_volunteer.pdf”.
Fill in the equal opportunities form, and save as PDF as “EO_SEAS.pdf”.
Send both forms to with “Volunteer’s Application” in the subject line.
Please send it as soon as possible and no later than 1st July. We will start viewing
applications as soon as they arrive and a reply will be sent by the 5th July.