Deadline 10/04/2019

Limbo (I): an exhibition of social art at SEAS Brighton – call for entries
Call for entries to an exhibition of social art, titled “Limbo”, at SEAS (Socially Engaged Art Salon) in Brighton’s BMECP centre, 4 May – 2 June 2019. Issued by SEAS, 12 February 2019.
Limbo isn’t just the imaginary place or state of all holy souls after death, but a real space many of us have found ourselves in due to wars, Brexit, austerity, socio-economic insecurity, racism and xenophobia. Limbo space can also relate to our cultural, racial or national identities, as well as related to gender and sexuality. Limbo space is challenging but at times, as a space in-between, also liberating.
SEAS (Socially Engaged Art Salon) is seeking visual & performing artworks that depict Limbo conditions, situations and places. The SEAS advisory team will curate the exhibition. For the exhibition we seek works in any art media (painting, photography, sculpture, installation, new media art, sound art and performing arts).
The Limbo exhibition will take place 4 May – 2 June 2019 at SEAS (Socially Engaged Art Salon). The show will include series of workshops, film screenings and artist talks by the exhibiting artists. It is part of Artists Open House, which takes place during Brighton Festival in May.
SEAS (Socially Engaged Art Salon) was founded in 2016 and became a beacon for social and political art in Brighton and beyond, showing the works of emerging and mid career artists from the UK and abroad. SEAS is located in the BMECP Centre, near Brighton Train Station.
Entry details:
The submission is Contact: http://www.seasbrighton.comfree of charge but if works are selected artists would be asked to pay £20 for work under 50cm, £50 for larger works. There will be an opportunity to show work via a large digital screen for £10 for up to 3 images. The fees are for the rental of the space, admin, invigilation and PR.
Selected sound and installation artists will not be required to pay any fees.
The exhibition will include a competition in which one of the artist who live outside Brighton and the South East will gain a one week artist residency at SEAS (accommodation + studio space)
Submissions are welcome from emerging and mid career artists (18+). Artists from under represented groups and BME Artists are encouraged to submit work.
Deadline for application 10th April 12pm. Responses will be given by April 15th.
Artists are responsible to install their work between the 1-3rd of May.
Please submit your works via Curator Space (link) or send in ONE PDF the following:
Name & contact details
100 words biography
200 words artist statement including information about the submitted works.
Up to 5 images or a link to a webpage where the work can be viewed.
Work name / year / media / size / price (if relevant)
Please send the PDF with the exhibition name (Limbo) + your name in the subject line to: