Queer Rocks and Rituals is a photography series that focuses on queering nature, particularly through alternative spirituality. Simons work particularly draws you to liminal spaces like forests, stone circles and other places connected to some form of spirituality and mythology. The aim of his work is to reclaim the use of the natural landscape, recuperating the past in order to create new possibilities and futures, through photography, drawing, sculptural forms and installations.
Queer Rocks
Image credit: A series of photographs taken by Simon Olmetti
He considers queering as an act of (re)appropriation and transformation, in order to free it from centuries of patriarchal oppression. His research is guided by the use of queer ecology and eco-feminism, together with neomaterialist and post-natural notions of matter as vibration, energy and intrinsically queer. Read more about his research in the essay Nature is Queer in response to the themes of the exhibition here
Image credit: A series of photographs taken by Simon Olmetti
More of his work can be found on his Instagram: @simonolmetti or his website