Open nOw
Artist Statement:
Open nOw is a response to experiences of lock-down, self-isolation and the power of art and connection in building resilience. It was born out of the emotional support between 3 artists/friends in 3 very different quarantine bubbles in England, Brazil & Argentina. Facing the collective grief, uncertainty and restrictions imposed by lock-down, we were sharing images of little discoveries and creations made throughout our days, our reflections and the memories of the “other” lifestyle that already felt far-away from us... It was a special moment for all, unlikely to be repeated, those feelings being captured as a collective stream of consciousness in this homemade short piece, and first collaboration.
Artist Biography:
Basia Bartz is a London based musician. Primarily a violinist, she also plays piano, sings, arranges, and composes music. Having studied language and literature (she holds a Masters Degree from University of Wrocław) and practiced photography for a few years before committing full time to music, she sees writing, visual arts and music as branches of a single Tree of Creativity. On a quest to understand and express what's inside her, she fancies herself a little monkey, allowed to play freely in its crown. Highly emotional and sensitive, Basia believes that sharing an experience of beauty unites humans in the deepest and truest way.
Carla Conte is a London-based multi-disciplinary artist and community worker. She has exhibited in and organised events and projects nationally, working across different themes including: women, giving people a voice, death, and mother earth. Her love of nature, communication, cohesion, collection, stories, travel, and ritual are threads that run through her works. Wood is her first love and she is currently concentrating on developing her collection of carved figures. While natural, found, and recycled materials are the most common features in her art, she works in a variety of media from digital to installations.
Nana Maiolini works across different media with a focus on moving image. Her work has been shown internationally in exhibitions and film festivals. This includes the Tate Exchange, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, Museu do Rio, BFI, and the Nunnery Gallery. Her short film Blind Spots was awarded first prize at the Brazilian festival of independent cinema Mostra do Filme Livre. Nana Maiolini's practice often interrogates perceptions and representations of public and intimate spaces. This is backed by her former training as an architect and urban planner at the University of São Paulo.
You can view more of Nana's work at or via her Instagram @carlaconteart.