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Open Call: IntersectionsPride Exhibition 2020

Seeking photographers for Pride exhibition

Socially Engaged Art Salon (SEAS) exhibition, “Intersections”, would like to give the stage again for the life experiences of LGBTQIA+ people who face further discrimination and marginalisation due to their ethnicity, disability, refugee and asylum seeker status, poverty, religion, age or other factors. We are particularly interested in including works which depict how the colonial legacy and racism still affects LGBTQIA+ lives as well as Afrofuturistic works.

The exhibition will take place online where each selected artist will have their own page with their artworks, a bio and links to their website and social media.  The exhibition will on August 8th with an online event to which selected artists will be invited to talk about their work.   There are no submission or exhibition fees. However, only submissions that include the exact requirements (see below) will be considered.  The exhibition is open to any person who is 18 and above from the UK and beyond.  Due to the funding limitations, we can only accept submissions in English (although films can be in any language as long as they have English subtitles).  All submissions must include the following: 

  1. Name and email address, and name of the film or the series. 

  2. The film or the series of works as jpg in 1280 pixels along the long side

  3. 50 to 100 word written description of the work 

  4. 1 to 2 min audio recording of that description 

  5. 50 to 100-word bio.

  6. Website and/or social media 

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